Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Detect and Recognize Faces with Luxand FaceSDK

FaceSDK is a high-performance, multi-platform face identifiion and facial fture recognition solution. Serving software developers worldwide, FaceSDK is a perfect way to empower Web and desktop appliions with face-based user authentiion, automatic face recognition, and identifiion. Compatible with 32- and 64-bit environments, FaceSDK is sy to integrate with new or existing projects, enabling developers to crte a wide variety of appliions.

The system can work with entire faces or facial ftures, supports face recognition in still s and rl-time strms, and allows the crtion of a wide range of appliions from simple automatic red-eye removal tools to biometric login solutions. FaceSDK can help the building of complex face morphing and animation systems for entertainment portals.

FaceSDK can be used in many online and desktop solutions where precise and reliable face identifiion is required. The face identifiion library can be used in photo imaging and processing solutions, Web appliions and biometric login automation systems. The SDK has been used by the entertainment industry to crte rl-time animations. Its appliions include:
Rl-time biometric authentiion systems allowing the user to log in by simply looking into a webcam. FaceSDK enables touchless, non-intrusive biometric authentiion.Automatic red-eye removal tools empowered with facial fture recognition. enhancement appliions and graphic editors.Face animation effects for the entertainment industry.Graphic workflow automation systems. viewers, enhancers, and organizers with face-based srchAppliions for digital cameras, scanners, and webcams.Still and effects tools and plug-ins.Ftures
FaceSDK is a lding face identifiion solution on the market. The SDK is loaded with ftures, allowing developers to solve just about any face recognition, identifiion, or authentiion task in a matter of minutes. FaceSDK offers:
Fast and precise face recognition and identifiion.Stable recognition independent of lighting conditions.Face identifiion and recognition of facial ftures.Support for every webcam on the market.Support for small and large, multi-megapixel still s.Still or rl-time operation with strms.FaceSDK is used in hundreds of appliions for authentiing users with webcams, looking up matching faces on multiple photos, automatically recognizing facial ftures in graphic editors, and loing faces on still s and animated strms in rl time. Download now

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